Preeti Singh and BS Chandel
Various synthetic insecticides used to control stored pests were applied during the storage period, providing wheat grain protection. At the same time, the hazardous synthetic chemicals effects have several negative consequences for humans and the environment. To discover an eco-friendly alternate method, the repellent activities of different solvent neem formulations ie; Azadirachtin, Neemazal, Neem seed kernel extract (NSKE), deoiled neem seed kernel suspension (DNSKPS), neem leaf extract (NLE), Benezene control and absolute control gave 99.77, 99.54, 99.38, 99.38, 99.22, 99.10, 79.25 per cent repellent respectively, those adults R. dominica did not enter into the sacklets containing the treated wheat grains, while in the absolute control, this was about 79.00 per cent. Benzene proved to have a potent repellent effect keeping 99.00 per cent lesser grain borers away from sacklets. So it can be concluded that the Azadirachta indica A. Juss formulations will substantially replace the application of chemical pesticides in the near future to stored-insect pest management.
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