JA Bassi, IY Dugje
Field experiments were conducted in 2015 and 2016 rainy seasons at the Teaching and Research Farm of the Department of Crop Production, University of Maiduguri, Maiduguri (11047N; 12016E) to study the Effect of Cowpea (Vigna unguiculate L. walp) in mixture with Pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.] as affected by variety and time of cowpea introduction. The treatments consisted of three pearl millet varieties: ZATIP, SOSAT-C-88 and LACRI-9702-IC, two cowpea varieties: Borno Brown and SAMPEA 11 and four cowpea sowing dates: 0 weeks after sowing millet (WASM), 1 WASM, 2 WASM and 3 WASM. The experimental design was Split-Split plot with the pearl millet varieties allocated to the main plots, cowpea varieties assigned to the sub-plots and cowpea sowing date assigned to the sub- sub plots in 1:1 alternate row arrangement, and replicated three times. The results showed that in 2015, 2016 and the combined mean, Plant height, number of branches/ plants, grain yield/hectare and were significantly greater for Borno Brown than SAMPEA 11 variety. Delaying cowpea sowing date by three weeks after sowing the millet component decreased number of branches, grain yield and fodder yield in cowpea. The SOSAT-C-88 and Borno Brown intercrop produced the highest grain yield of pearl millet in both the years and the combined mean. The cowpea variety Borno Brown was more competitive with pearl millet at simultaneous (0 WASM) or 1 week after sowing millet that had greater grain yield than SAMPEA 11. Fodder yield and pod yield were greater for Borno Brown intercropped with LACRI-9702-IC or SOSAT-C-88 than SAMPEA 11 intercropped with ZATIP. Linear relationships among agronomic parameters of cowpea revealed that, pod yield, grain and fodder yield increased significantly with increase in plant height and number of branches
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