Tejashwini Padakatti, Renuka Meti
Dragon fruit is a perennial, epiphytic tropical climbing cactus with a triangular fleshy jointed stems which belongs to family Cactaceae and of genus Hylocerous. It is considered as a heavenly fruit on the earth. The flower is so beautiful that its nick name is Novel woman” or “Queen of the night”. It is also used as flavouring agent in drinks, juices and alcoholic beverages sorbet, smoothie and pastries. They are consumed either as fresh fruits or in salads, for production of jam, jelly, ice-cream, juice, wine, face-packs etc. Dragon fruit is rich in various nutrients, vitamins and minerals and accordingly owing high medicinal values, it is believed to able to lower cholesterol concentration, to balance blood sugar concentration, to prevent colon cancer, to strengthen kidney function and bone, to strengthen the brain workings and even used as cosmetic ingredients.
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