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International Journal of Agriculture and Nutrition

Vol. 2, Issue 2, Part A (2020)

Traditional crops and indigenous farming practices in Kharal valley of Kullu district, Himachal Pradesh


Ankita Thakur, Pankaj Gupta, Vijay Kumar Sharma


Food is the basic need of human and agricultural activities provide food. Agriculture is the major occupation in India and is contributing 15.87 percent in GDP of India. The paper is based on the study carried out in selected panchayats of Kharal valley, Kullu district. These panchayats are dependent on agriculture and horticulture for food and economy. The study was carried out to analyze the traditional farming practices, which include the preparation of land by oxen plough, manuring of fields by using cow dung and irrigation through kulh system. Traditional post-harvesting techniques include the threshing by using pounder and animals on threshing floor. Sowing of traditional crops has been affected by climate change and many of them are on the verge of extinction due to less tolerance against drastic climate.

Pages: 13-22  |  1408 Views  560 Downloads

International Journal of Agriculture and Nutrition
How to cite this article:
Ankita Thakur, Pankaj Gupta, Vijay Kumar Sharma. Traditional crops and indigenous farming practices in Kharal valley of Kullu district, Himachal Pradesh. Int. J. Agric. Nutr. 2020;2(2):13-22. DOI: 10.33545/26646064.2020.v2.i2a.32