Shakir Ullah, Rehan Ullah, Lubna Shakir and Rizwan Ullah
A comprehensive survey of Ethno medicinal plants was carried out in Tehsil Colony Samar Bagh Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. A total of 50 plant species were collected from March to September along with their local name, botanical name, English name, family, habit, part use, method of use and Ethno medicinal uses. The data were collected through questioners and interviews of local peoples. Complete information was collected about the uses of plants in the current study. Many of the plants were observed to be used for multipurpose like Allium sativum of Amaryllidaceous and Coriandrum sativum of Apiaceae. Herbaceous cover was dominated with 20 species (40%) followed by trees with 17 species (34%) and then by shrubs with 13 species (26%). About 25 different families were recorded that use for the treatment of different diseases like constipation, diarrhea, digestion, dysentery and blood sugar. Herbaceous cover was dominated with 21 species followed by trees with 09 species and then by shrubs with 10 species. The local area Tehsil Colony Samar Bagh is rich in medicinal plants and can be used for curing different diseases instead of using imported medicines. But unfortunately due to unawareness of the indigenous peoples these plants Species are going to be endangered because they uproot and demolish these plants for burning purposes. The local area (Dir Lower) is rich in medicinal plants and can be used for curing different diseases instead of using imported medicines. The extraction of different chemicals from the local plants can also be done to support Pakistan’s health issues and economy. But unfortunately due to unawareness of the indigenous peoples these plants are going to be endangered because they uproot and demolish these plants for burning purposes mostly. Indigenous knowledge regarding medicinal plants collection and their proper mode of administration should be collect from the local people to preserve these plants properly.
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