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International Journal of Agriculture and Nutrition

Vol. 4, Issue 1, Part A (2022)

Effect of micronutrients on yield attributes of tomato


Shivam Sahu, A S Choudhary, Shani Raj, Nishant Ghode, Ashish Kumar


A field experiment was conducted at the Instructional Farm of Sardar Patel University, Balaghat (M.P.), during rabi season of 2020-21, To evaluate the influence of “Study the effect of micronutrients on growth and yield parameters of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.)” Totally 10 different treatments consisting of different micronutrient foliar spray, alone and in both combination have been tried. Among the different micronutrients practices, The application of micronutrient management significantly enhanced yield parameters viz. number of fruit per plant, length of fruit (cm), diameter of fruit (cm), weight of fruit (g), fruit yield per hectare (q) were also significantly superior in the T1 + T3 + T5 + T7 (Copper Sulphate @ 75 ppm + Boric Acid @ 75 ppm + Ferrous Sulphate @ 75 ppm + ZnSo4 @ 75 ppm) followed by treatment T4 Boric Acid @150 ppm. On the basis of above findings, treatment T1 + T3 + T5 + T7 (Copper Sulphate @ 75 ppm + Boric Acid @ 75 ppm + Ferrous Sulphate @ 75 ppm + ZnSo4 @ 75 ppm) stand first in position and T4 Boric Acid @150 ppm stand in second order of preference.

Pages: 34-38  |  737 Views  312 Downloads

International Journal of Agriculture and Nutrition
How to cite this article:
Shivam Sahu, A S Choudhary, Shani Raj, Nishant Ghode, Ashish Kumar. Effect of micronutrients on yield attributes of tomato. Int. J. Agric. Nutr. 2022;4(1):34-38. DOI: 10.33545/26646064.2022.v4.i1a.51