Hendra Okto Utama, Ramadanil Pitopang, Fathurrahman and Wardah
This study aimed to identify and explain the types and benefits of plants in the Kaili Da'a community. This research used a descriptive research type with qualitative and quantitative methods. The population in this study was the Kaili Da'a people in Balane Village, Kinovaro District, and Matantimali Village, Marawola Barat District, Sigi Regency. Qualitative methods were used to determine the use of known plants by the Kaili Da'a people in the Kinavaro and West Marawola Districts in the Sigi Regency. Plants were analyzed qualitatively by grouping plant species, including regional names, Latin names, families, habitus, parts used, and the benefits of these plants. The data obtained in the field was presented in tabulations and then analyzed descriptively with a quantitative approach using the Index of Cultural Significance (ICS) equation. The people of Balane village use 15 species of plants as food, 13 species of plants as spices, 19 species of medicinal plants, 9 species of plants as animal feed, 11 species of plants used for ritual and religious customs, 4 species of ornamental plants, 4 species of plants for 3 species of aromatic and dyes, 9 species of plants as fuel and 3 species of plants used as furniture and building materials. The parts of the plant used are leaves, fruit, tubers, stems, seeds, and flowers. The Kaili Da'a people's main food is Pae (Oryza sativa L), a staple food, and additional food such as Punti and Jole (Zea mays). The highest percentage of plant used in medicines, namely 15.9% for food, it occupies the second highest at 12.6%. Meanwhile, plants are the lowest in dyes and aromatics, namely 2.5%. Based on this study, a high ICS value was obtained, namely, purpureum Roxb, and there were only 2 species of jeringau, Kaluku (Cocos nucifera L.) and Pae (Oryza sativa L.).
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